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Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Biology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, U.S.A. (2016)

Recognized as a world leader of genomic research in pediatric cancer, the Computational Biology department at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (SJCRH) is currently seeking exceptional and creative scientists for multiple POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE positions in the lab of Dr. Jinghui Zhang ( to develop and apply innovative analytical and visualization approaches for studying the genome and epigenome of pediatric cancer. The fellows will have access to a wealth of resources including high-quality data, a state-of-art high-performance computing facility, robust analytical pipelines, the latest laboratory technology and research expertise in genomics, cancer biology, mathematics and computer science. The fellows will lead or participate in all aspects of cancer omics studies via multi-disciplinary teamwork and have opportunities to interact with leaders of pediatric cancer and translational research within and outside the institution. For those with ambitious career goals including those with no prior computing experience, inter-disciplinary training will be provided to broaden or strengthen computational or biological expertise.

Job # 34109 is immediately available to join our scientific visualization team to design and implement novel features and to expand the data content for our pediatric cancer genomic data portal initiative (

Job # 35345 is immediately available to further ongoing research in developing clonal evolution models of pediatric cancer based on the analysis of next-generation sequencing data.

Job # 35262 is immediately available to work as part of the NIH-funded Precision Medicine Center established in collaboration with the departments of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pathology. The fellow will interact with the genomic discovery and visualization team to receive training and contribute new insight in these two areas.

Further details:

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