The Faculty of Biology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, is looking for PhD students to participate in research projects of the international PhD program of the KNOW RNA Research Centre in Poznań.The PhD projects concern several topics related to human genetics and development, human diseases, plant molecular biology, and others. Summaries of the individual projects are presented at
Research Fields
Biological sciences
Eligibility criteria
In assessing the candidates the following will be considered: the average of grades in college, scientific interests and achievements (scholarships, conferences, papers, etc.), research experience, international experience, and a good command of English. The preferred candidates will be the college graduates in the fields of molecular biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, or related, depending on the specific requirements of the projects (see
Selection process
Applications should consist of a cover letter and a CV, including a list of grades in college (and their average). A copy of the Master of Sciences diploma or its equivalent should be included. If the candidate will soon graduate (no later than the end of June 2016), then information about the planned graduation date can be provided, which should be confirmed by the thesis advisor. In the application the candidates should specify, to which project they apply. If more than one project is of interest, then a list of 3 projects in their preferred order should be provided. Also, the name and contact information of a potential referee should be enclosed. The applications should be send to by June 15th.
Selected candidates will be invited for an interview, which may be in person or by Skype. Candidates selected for the interview will be asked to give a presentation in English concerning their previous research experience.
Further details: