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5-10/12/2016 - Training Course: The Intercultural agenda of youth mobility (Bulgaria)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Οκτώβριος 17, 2016

The training course is about the better understanding of conceptual and practical dimensions of youth mobility in 21 century and linking mobility, the intercultural awareness and learning environments of young people.

Goal: Participants gain deeper understandings of the opportunities and challenges that face the mobile young people they work with and develop a course of action to improve their practices. Participants explore aspects of mobility in terms of active EU citizenship behaviours and inclusive societies from different and sometimes unusual angles.

Objectives: If young people are to play a full, valued, respected and respectful role in their local, national and European contexts, they need mobility of ideas, attitudes, expectations and practices. They need this for their encounters with linguistic and cultural otherness abroad, at home and in virtual environments. Such mobility also lies at the heart of respect for fundamental human rights and engagement with inequality and conflict. Viewed from this broader perspective, facilitating mobility in and for young people, including those in disadvantaged positions and with fewer opportunities, presents a considerable challenge to youth workers. The participants therefore:
- explore understandings of the conceptual and practical dimensions of young people’s mobility in the 21st century;
- link mobility, intercultural awareness and the learning environments of young people;
- develop further their own facilitation competences for intercultural youth work;
- learn how to act as youth leaders in a mobile environment.

Methodology: Practice oriented and supported by the tools of narrative and dialogic methodology. We employ the use of an online learning resource and several intercultural learning tools, among them those developed by SALTO and the Council of Europe.

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Training Course: The Intercultural agenda of youth mobility (Bulgaria)

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