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12-16/10/2016 - Training Course: "EVS Learning Effect" (Poland)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Αύγουστος 28, 2016

This TC is designed for EVS newcomers / EVS organisations to increase the quality of their EVS projects. The main focus is given to learning process of volunteers and development of their competences. The program will inspire participants to use the learning potential of EVS projects for their own development as wel as for other actors involved.

The objectives are:
- to establish common understanding of EVS context and basic facts and principles
- to explore what “learning” during EVS means, who is learning and how does it work
- to discover ways and tools for planning, supporting and evaluating learning process
- to share ideas and good practices and to get inspired by diversity of approaches
- to prepare strategies of using the learning effects of EVS projects in future life and work situations of volunteers

TC “EVS Learning Effects” will take place from 12.10. to 16.10.2016 in in Konstancin Jeziorna near Warsaw/ Poland. It brings together people from different countries (including Euro-Med, EECA and SEE) to share their visions of supporting volunteers. The content is focused mainly on stages of planning, implementation and evaluation of the learning process of volunteers and covers also the basic context and facts of EVS. Another important part of the TC will be networking, sharing and inspiration to create learning effects. The methodology consist of discussions, group works, simulations, reflections, exercises and three surprises.

Target group:
EVS coordinators and mentors currently involved in the EVS project
beginners as well as people with some experiences in long-term EVS projects

The team is composed by one person from Polish National Agency of Erasmus+ programme and two trainers:
Honza Látal (CZ): EVS accreditator, trainer, mentor and project consultant
Anna-Sophia Pappai (PL): EVS coordinator for sending, hosting and coordinating, trainer and ex-EVS volunteer.

Read More:
Training Course:"EVS Learning Effect" (Poland)

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