The Swedish Defence University (SEDU) trains and educates officers at all levels. We research and educate in areas such as Political Science, specializing in Security and Crisis Management as well as International Cooperation; Military Studies; and Leadership. SEDU’s vision is to be a national and international centre for education on public security and protection, as well as a contributor to the development of the Swedish national security concept from an international perspective.
The Swedish Defence University is recruiting PhD students in political science
The Swedish Defence University hereby announces the appointment of two PhD student positions in Political Science focusing on either Security Policy and Strategy or Crisis Management and International Cooperation, starting early spring 2017. PhD students will be funded by the Swedish Defence University and enrolled at a secondary institution in accordance with a cooperation agreement overseen by the Swedish Defence University.
General requirements for admission to postgraduate study are:
- A degree at advanced level (Master) in Political Science, or equivalent education
- Fulfilled course requirements of 240 credits, of which 60 credits must be at advanced level
- Or, equivalent knowledge gained either in Sweden or overseas
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