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17-21/10/2016 - Human Rights Monitoring Safety and Security Workshop (Montenegro)

Building on its long-standing engagement in the protection of human rights defenders, ODIHR published the Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders. Since then ODIHR has worked to make the guidelines known to the general public and to specific audiences, such as government officials, the media, other OSCE executive structures and human rights defenders themselves.

ODIHR is pleased to offer a five-day training event on human rights monitoring and safety and security for human rights defenders from Western Balkans, Central/Eastern Europe and Turkey. The objective of the training is to enable human rights defenders to independently carry out quality, objective and impartial human rights monitoring activities. The event will take place in Montenegro from 17 to 21 October 2016, and will cover the human rights monitoring principles, human rights monitoring cycle, physical and psycho social safety and security of human rights monitors as well as digital safety and security.

In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:
- Be a citizen of one of the following regions: Western Balkans, Central/Eastern Europe and Turkey.
- Have limited experience in monitoring and reporting on human rights;
- Be willing to engage in human rights monitoring activities in the future;
- Consider the training highly relevant for future human rights activities;
- Have had no or little training on safety and security so far:
- Be fluent in English.

Accommodation and travel costs for the workshop will be covered by the OSCE/ODIHR.

Deadline: 5 September 2016.

Read More:
Human Rights Monitoring Safety and Security Workshop (Montenegro)

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