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PhD & Postdoctoral Positions in Atmospheric Organic Aerosol, University of Eastern Finland, Finland (2017)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Οκτώβριος 9, 2016

We are currently searching for a highly motivated PhD students and/or post-docs to work with topics related to organic aerosols and atmospheric processes. PhD student (Early Stage Researcher) and Postdoctoral Researcher positions for both experimental researchers as well as for mathematical modelers in the field of aerosol science are available. The experimental work includes laboratory work with atmospheric reaction chambers and flow tubes and also field work. The modelling work includes development of aerosol process level models for gas and particle phase processes related to secondary organic aerosol.

Early Stage Researcher: We have both experimental and process modelling opportunities for a motivated person, having an MSc degree (or equivalent) in physics, chemistry, or in environmental sciences with emphasis on organic chemistry. Persons graduating in the near future are also encouraged to apply. However, they are expected to hold a relevant MSc degree (or equivalent) by the starting date of the Early Stage Researcher position. The experimental work includes work with mass spectrometers (Aerosol Mass Spectrometer AMS and Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer CIMS). The modelling work includes development of aerosol process models, and the successful applicant is expected to have experience in programming.

Postdoctoral Researcher: We are looking for a post doc with solid expertise in experimental or modelling studies related to our group’s research area. On experimental side we are looking for a postdoc having a background in organic aerosol chemistry to participate in planning and conducting experimental research including topics related to the formation of organic aerosols and interactions with biogenic and anthropogenic emissions. The successful candidate should have some experience either with a) reaction chamber and flow tubes or with b) mass spectrometer based methods or b) with gas phase organic chemistry. The work is primarily experimental, but includes strong interactions with process modelling activities. On modelling side, we are looking for a postdoc to participate in process level modelling related to secondary organic aerosols. The successful candidate should have background in atmospheric aerosol physics and/or organic aerosol chemistry and strong programming skills. Researchers finishing their PhD in the near future are also encouraged to apply. However, they are expected to hold a relevant PhD degree (or equivalent) by the starting date of the Postdoctoral Researcher position.

Further details:

Επίπεδο Εκπαίδευσης Υποτροφιών: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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