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08-19/10/2016 - Youth Exchange: “1000 Words” (Bulgaria)

A picture is worth a thousand words! One of the greatest power photography has its power to move people, power to make social changes in community. One of the noble purpose we can use photography is to help others, especially marginalised groups of society and young people with fewer opportunities. Through enhancing digital skills, learning about photography and photojournalism participants will interview and make photo stories of marginalized groups in Bulgaria, such are Roma people, homeless people, LGBT lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, people with disabilities, minorities, youth with geographic obstacles, youth with learning difficulties like school dropouts, people with economic obstacles, (ex) drug users and (ex) alcohol users and (ex) criminals, etc. Participants will also make a photo exhibition which will be held at the end of mobility. In this way, they will learn advanced digital skills and in the same time enhance civic and social competence, actively involved in their local communities, practice their citizenship competences and take action to change something in local community.

Objective of the project „Thousand words” are:
- Teaching participants digital skills; advanced usage of photo equipment and photography;
- Teaching participant’s photojournalism;
- Raising participant’s civic and social competence by involving them in local community and working on social issues;
- Promotion of social inclusion, solidarity and empathy for marginalized groups of European community;
- Greater involvement of marginalized groups and members into local and international community.

- The expected background of participants is youth 18 to 30 years old with interest in photography;
- Per country, we expect to have 7 participants and 1 Group Leader; in total 48 participants from Bulgaria, Lithuania, Croatia, Macedonia, Italy and Romania;
- Among these participants, group leaders should have experience in youth exchanges.

Accommodation and meals three times a day are covered by Erasmus+ funds;
Participation fee of 20 euro will be deducted from each participants travel costs in order to cover some additional expenses;
Reimbursement of travel expenses will be made during the project and based on Original documents (TICKETS + INVOICE);
The currency we will reimburse your travel cost will be LEVA;
At the end of a project participants will get Youthpass.

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08-19/10/2016 - Youth Exchange: “1000 Words” (Bulgaria)

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