The Forum's 3rd European Conference: "Living Change: Education Abroad in 21st Century Europe" will be held between 5-7 October in CYA (College Year in Athens) in Athens, Greece.
The theme of The Forum on Education Abroad’s 3rd European conference explores how U.S. education abroad defines Europe, and how European education abroad partners define Europe to visiting U.S. students, so that students may appreciate the past, understand the present and anticipate the future of the most popular education abroad destination.
How do present-day European realities influence U.S. education abroad? How do U.S. students perceive present-day Europe? How do their European education abroad experiences deconstruct their expectations? How can international educators encourage students to develop a better understanding of present-day Europe?
How can international educators express a shared culture that is at once the foundation of accumulated history and cultural knowledge and at the same time changes as each nation responds to current issues?
The conference will address the interests of education abroad administrators and faculty who work and teach in Europe, as well as colleagues from the U.S. who work with European programs and universities. The common goal of the conference will be to share ideas for model practices for U.S. education abroad in Europe in light of the conference theme, including program design and curriculum, teaching, and a wide range of issues and topics.
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“05-07/10/2016 - The Forum on Education Abroad’s 3rd European conference (Athens)”