During the traineeship you follow an individual program, consisting of courses, workshops, assessments, and industrial projects, deepening the theoretical knowledge gained during your university studies. You will apply all knowledge gained in a large-scale in-company multidisciplinary design project. The project for this traineeship is conducted in collaboration between the Electronic Systems group (www.es.ele.tue.nl) in the Department of Electrical Engineering at TU/e and NXP semiconductors (www.nxp.com). You build up a valuable network in the ICT business community and can count on professional supervision from both the university and NXP. Your individual training scheme is customized to your personal and professional skills, as well as the demands of the industrial project.
A variety of self-sustaining systems based on intelligent sensor nodes is emerging in different application domains. Smart sensor devices connect to each other and are accessible from anywhere, forming an Internet-of-Things (IoT). The design of robust and energy efficient intelligent sensors is critical for IoT applications. QoS-AB will provide ultra-low-power wireless communication solutions that are configurable for different IoT application domains with different Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements. Ultra-low-power baseband processors for the IEEE 802.15.4 and WiFi standards will be developed with adequate computing paradigms.
In this project, the Electronic Systems group of Eindhoven University of Technology collaborates with NXP for the chip development. We have one opening for a PDEng position. The PDEng student will participate in both the front-end and back-end design of the chip and system development. The student will be supervised by Prof. dr. Twan Basten, Prof. dr. José Pineda de Gyvez, Dr. Hailong Jiao, and Dr. Majid Nabi Najafabadi.
Deadline Application: 02-12-2016