The Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science provides an optimal environment for pursuing doctoral studies in computer science at an internationally competitive level. As a student, you undergo research-oriented training and experience a stimulating and scientifically challenging atmosphere. Advised by internationally renowned scientists, you can participate in one of the many research groups and find your way into top-notch research.
We offer:
- a genuine doctoral program in English supported by the German Excellence Initiative.
- a welcoming and stimulating international research environment with an exceptional concentration of computer science expertise.
- full financial support throughout the program. All in all, over 50 Mio € yearly supports Saarbrücken Computer Science, providing great infrastructure and funding for our students and faculty.
- a comprehensive mentoring program with doctoral supervision seen as a common responsibility of the whole faculty.
Currently the Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science has 345 doctoral candidates. More than 50% of them come from abroad.
Entering with a Bachelor’s degree
Our program is targeted particularly towards candidates who are entering with a strong Bachelor's degree in computer science who are expected to fulfill the full requirements of the preparatory phase.
If your previous degree is more than a Bachelor's but not equivalent to a German Masters degree in computer science, you will also be required to complete some graduate courses to fill in your academic background. The admissions committee evaluates this on a case-by-case basis to make sure each candidate receives the best education to further his or her interests.
Entering with only a Bachelor's degree, you will be required to take five core courses chosen from various areas of our Masters curriculum, in addition to specialized lectures and seminars that match your interests.
Your Qualifications
You are about to or will have completed your studies in Computer Science or in a related field with an excellent Bachelor‘s degree or higher. German Fachhochschule degree holders are also welcome. Besides academic excellence, you should bring along talent and passion for research. English is a must, German optional.
Join a Unique Environment for Computer Science!
Research Environment
The Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science is funded by the German Excellence Initiative and comprises all doctoral education and training in computer science at Saarland University in collaboration with 8 internationally recognized research institutes on campus:
- Department of Computer Science, Saarland University
- Center for IT Security, Privacy and Accountability (CISPA)
- Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPII)
- Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS)
- German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
- Cluster of Excellence: Multimodal Computing and Interaction (MMCI)
- Center for Bioinformatics (CBI)
- Intel Visual Computing Institute (IVCI)
Saarland Informatics Campus
The Saarbrücken Graduate School is part of the Saarland Informatics Campus. Its story begins in 1969. At that time the mathematics lecturer Günter Hotz received an appointment at the University of Hamburg, so that the state government of Saarland countered by offering him the first regular chair of Computer Science at Saarland University. Today we have more than 40 professors. Besides their teaching and research activities, they also start businesses. Since 1995 more than 77 spin-offs have originated from the Computer Science Department at Saarland University.
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