The GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien is an independent social-science research institute based in Hamburg. It analyses political, social and economic developments in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East and links them to questions of global significance. The GIGA combines this analysis with innovative comparative research in the fields of Accountability and Participation, Peace and Security, Growth and Development, and Power and Ideas across multiple levels of analysis.
The GIGA Doctoral Programme invites applications from Prospective Doctoral Students
(Ref.-No. GIGA-17-01) to join the programme on 1 October 2017.
The GIGA Doctoral Programme is a three-year structured programme for junior academics, in which they can pursue their research and professional development, particularly in the field of comparative area studies (CAS). We strongly welcome international applications. The reconciliation of work and family life is of great importance to the institute.
Applicants are expected to fulfil the following criteria:
- An excellent grade point average and a final degree (masters or equivalent) in political science/international relations, economics, history or a related discipline.
- A high-quality project proposal that fits with the GIGA’s research agenda. Priority will be given to projects with a cross-regional or a comparative area studies focus.
- Strong command of the English language (German is not a prerequisite).
Further details: