The chair seeks to appoint three Post-doctoral Research Fellows (PDRFs). Positions are normally tenable for two years, with a review at the end of the first year and possible extension for a third year. Achievement will be measured by submission of publications. PDRFs receive R240,000 per annum (tax free). Research within the Chair’s focus area is preferred. Applicants may come from any country.
The Chair is funded by the Department of Science and Technology, administered by the National Research Foundation, and located within the University of Johannesburg's Centre for Social Change. It is interdisciplinary with a focus on Protests, Strikes and Revolution. The chair holder is Prof. Peter Alexander. Other senior members of the centre include Dr Luke Sinwell, Dr Carin Runciman and Dr Trevor Ngwane. The centre places strong emphasis on collegiality, and members are expected to participate in a seminar held on Friday afternoons in term time.
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