Project for activists and youth workers interested in FORUM THEATER method from Poland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and Turkey.
Project activities will make stronger the sensitivity of youth workers, social activists and ordinary people for social problems and conflicts.
Participants get knowledge and deeper understanding of forum theater method and it will prepare them to use it in own youth work in home country;
Project will extend the approach of youth workers and social activists that act in youth field, to encourage them for active participation about the solving problem;
Participants will take social responsibility for themselves(for society, public benefit), to be more daring in public places (about public issues);
It will show the importance of personal action in a world where live a lot of people and where is difficult to notice the influence of one man - project will raise the importance of personal action for participants.
Young people will use in better way the communication skills, non verbal communication techniques, they will get understanding how talking to people in public places, with the aggressors in conflict situations.
Main tool for project is forum theater method.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες:
Forum theater