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PDEng Program Solar roofs and facades: Energy-harvesting in the built environment at the Eindhoven University of Technology

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Φεβρουάριος 19, 2017

The Smart Energy Buildings & Cities (SEB&C) PDEng program wants to contribute to the transition to an energy-positive built environment in which indoor environmental quality is optimized for health, comfort and/or productivity. To achieve these goals a transdisciplinary approach is required which:

• addresses technological solutions for energy generation, storage, distribution and demand reduction, and

• integrates and optimizes these in design, construction and operation of new and existing buildings.

This requires technical designers who are able to work in a multidisciplinary environment and know how to communicate with different disciplines and stake holders. This PDEng program educates trainees to become those technical designers! Please note that this program is about technological design, i.e., the process of solving problems by means of a technological design, this in contrast to (PhD) research, which is the process of understanding problems.

After the two year program the trainees become technical designers with a broad technological understanding of energy related disciplines in the built environment (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, building physics and services and ICT), who excel in their own discipline and who are able to work in multidisciplinary design teams, contribute to design issues outside their own core disciplines, integrate different technologies into new products and concepts, and who understand the commercial aspects of these innovative products and concepts.

Deadline Application: 19-02-2017

Further details:
PDEng Program Solar roofs and facades: Energy-harvesting in the built environment at the Eindhoven University of Technology

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