Maltepe University Faculty of Education calls for abstract submissions of papers for the Internatioal Students’ Congress, entitled “New Opportunities in Teaching”, which will be held on 11-12 May 2017.
Abstracts can be submitted via e-mail to by 31st March, 2017 and should contain a clear outline of the argument, theoretical framework, methodology and results. We encourage lecturers, teachers and professors to circulate this call widely across your undergraduate students. This will be a unique occasion to visit the legendary city of Istanbul, where you can enjoy the harmony of cultures.
It is possible to submit abstracts about the topics below:
The use of technology in classrooms / The role of technology in teacher training / The effect of immigration over society and education / How does transforming society affect testing and evaluation in education? / What are the qualifications of the teacher of the technological era? / The role of education in transforming society / The requirements of changing society on teaching approaches / How should the education/curriculum of immigrants be? / Transforming society and changing needs / How technology motivates students?
There is NO registration fee for all participants.