For the academic year 2017/2018, the University of Padua is offering 15 research fellowships fully funded by the Foundation Cash Savings of Padua and Rovigo. These scholarships are available for foreign students to attend doctoral courses.
The University of Padova strongly prioritises third level education, and has been recently enhancing the support for research training, with the aim at always pursuing the highest standards.
- Have foreign (non-Italian) citizenship;
- Have foreign (non-Italian) residence;
- Be in possession of a foreign (non-Italian) academic qualification recognised as equivalent to the Diploma di Laurea/ Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale amounting to at least four years of full time university education and leading to a doctorate in the country where the studies were carried out. For the sole purpose of this selection procedure, the qualification must be recognized equivalent to an Italian one by the Commission of the PhD course applied for. The eligible degree must be awarded no later than 30th June 2017;
- Be no older than 35;
- Candidates shall be admitted to the selection procedure with reserve;
- The value of the award is of EUR 13.638,47 per year (gross amount);
- Fellowships are paid in monthly instalments. The first instalment is paid the month following the actual beginning of the course.
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