Each year the Department of Electrical Engineering offers (maximum) 20 excellent candidates the chance to follow a two-year Post-Master Designer Program leading towards a 'Professional Doctorate in Engineering' (PDEng). During the traineeship you follow an individual program, consisting of (a.o.) courses, assessments and (industrial) projects, deepening the theoretical knowledge gained during your university studies. Your (individual) professional development is an essential topic over two years. You will apply all knowledge gained in arge-scale multidisciplinary design projects, preferably in-company . You build up a valuable network in the business community and can count on professional supervision from both the university and industry. Your individual training scheme is customized to your personal and professional skills, as well as the demands of the final project.
Design project
The second part of the programme consists of a design project, preferably in industry. The project takes twelve months, and in some cases is spread over two years. These are challenging projects with a high reality value that are aimed at the development of your design engineers' abilities. In the project, a specific design objective must be reached within a restricted period of time and with limited means. In accordance with the supervising professor the candidate will be given the opportunity to gather specialized knowledge for the design project already in the first year of your Traineeship. You will be coached by experienced design engineers from industry and/or by TU/e staff with clear and relevant design experience. You will acquire independence and learn to make choices and work well in a project-based manner.
Deadline Application: 08-09-2017
Further details:
PDEng Programme in Information and Communication Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology