The IMPRS for Genome Science is a new graduate program established as a cooperation between the University of Göttingen and several other research institutions at the Göttingen Campus, including the Max Planck Institutes. Our research school aims at qualifying young scientists in the analysis of large data sets and research at the interface between experimental and theoretical disciplines in genome science. The students will be able to work in different fields of research, including experimental disciplines like genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and bioimaging as well as theoretical disciplines such as stochastics, bioinformatics, theoretical physics, and computational biology. Positions offered are to pursue Ph.D. projects in the areas of the life and computational sciences or related fields.
Candidates typically hold an outstanding Master’s (or equivalent) degree in the life sciences or computational sciences, and have an interest in interdisciplinary projects. Criteria for admission include academic skills and experience, motivation and commitment, communication skills, knowledge of the English language, and creativity.
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