We are currently seeking candidates to fill one post doc and two PhD positions at the Aquatic Ecology Unit, Department of Biology, Lund University.
The post doc is a 2-year position within a project that focuses on how environmental drivers associated with climate change (temperature and eutrophication) affect recruitment success of freshwater piscivorous fish. Candidates should have a PhD in ecology, limnology or fisheries biology with a research strong background in freshwater systems in general and specifically on the behaviour and ecology of freshwater fish.
The first PhD candidate will work within a project on how multiple threats in a landscape of fear affect the integrated phenotype of an organism, using zooplankton as model organisms. Candidates should fulfil the general qualifications required for applying to a PhD position in Aquatic Ecology and have experience from lab- and fieldwork in aquatic systems and an interest in ecological and evolutionary processes.
The second PhD candidate will work within a project on maintenance of species integrity and speciation processes in closely related species through ecological selection on hybrids, using the Bahamas mosquitofish as a model species. Candidates should fulfil the general qualifications required, with a background in animal evolutionary ecology (or equivalent), a strong interest in behavioural ecology, evolutionary and life-history theory.
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