The University of Padova (Italy) is pleased to inform you that the call *STARS Grants - *Supporting TAlent in ReSearch@University of Padova - has been published within the frame of the investment program called “Talent in Research”, aimed at supporting excellent research to be conducted on its premises.
Through the initiative “Supporting TAlent in ReSearch@University of Padova” - STARS Grants, the University of Padova intends to promote and encourage high quality, innovative and ambitious research in Padova, with the final goal to strengthen the ability to attract external competitive grants, like those awarded by the European Research Council.
In particular *STARS Starting Grants* (STARS-StG) are designed to fund excellent PIs who have been awarded their first Doctoral degree within a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 7 years (prior to 1 January 2018) and who are about to establish their own research team and/or who are starting their own independent research. STARS-StG fund research projects for the duration of two years.
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