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3 PhD Scholarships in Campus Fryslân: Culture, Language & Technology, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands (2017)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Μάιος 15, 2017

We offer three four-year scholarships to complete a PhD in Culture, Language & Technology. Applications are invited from prospective PhD students with a good fit with the research specialisms and expertise of our academic staff. The PhD students will be enrolled in our Graduate School Campus Fryslân (GSCF), and may collaborate with senior researchers at the Fryske Akademy and the Department of Frisian Language and Culture. Additionally, they can benefit from affiliations at University Groningen Research Institutes like the Center for Language and Cognition or the Research School of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences, as appropriate to the PhD project.

Candidates whose research interests relate to linguistic/cultural situations in the North of the Netherlands, particularly Fryslân, are encouraged to apply. Topics of interest follow.

● Language & society: Investigations of language contact and/or variation in a multilingual society, consequences of multilingualism for language change and language learning, comparisons of language attitudes specifically relating to Frisian accent
● Language & speech technologies: Studies of language and speech technologies that support or investigate a diversity of natural, multilingual interactions between people and the devices that surround them, with a keen eye on applications with real-world relevance, for example intoxication or pathology detection/recognition in multilingual discourse or multilingual prosody perception in the hearing-impaired;
● The future of multilingualism & minority languages: Research into consequences of globalization and migration for citizenship and expressions of linguistic and cultural identity in multilingual contexts, preferably also involving the North of the Netherlands.
The Candidate should have the following qualifications:

● Master’s degree in relevant field (Linguistics, Anthropology, Cultural Studies, or similar) awarded near September 1st 2017, at the latest. Applied research experience in the private sector is an asset
● excellent record of undergraduate and graduate study
● strong motivation to complete a PhD dissertation in four years
● excellent command of spoken and written English. Additionally, Dutch, Frisian and/or German skills (or the ability to learn these languages quickly) is an asset.
Conditions of employment
The successful candidates will be part of the University of Groningen’s PhD Scholarship Programme. After nine months, and thereafter annually, the progress will be evaluated. At these evaluations, it will be considered whether the results are sufficient for a successful and timely defense of the PhD thesis. As part of the programme, the PhD student will take part in the Career Perspectives Series, which provides a thorough preparation on the career after the PhD, inside or outside academia.
During the course of the doctorate, the students will develop research and teaching competencies as well as leadership skills. For this, the PhD students will receive a tailor-made programme from the GSCF.

Further details:

Επίπεδο Εκπαίδευσης Υποτροφιών: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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