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Women PeaceMakers Fellowship Program, U.S.A. (2017)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Μάιος 31, 2017

The Women PeaceMakers Program at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ) offers a unique fellowship program for women building peace in their communities to participate in an active learning community. The aim of the Women PeaceMakers program is to build stronger, more effective collaborations between peace builders from conflict-affected communities and international peace partners. This will be a 10-month fellowship to explore successes and challenges to their work ending cycles of violence.

Each year, four Women PeaceMakers are selected and paired with four international partners to establish a community of practice that continues beyond the program itself. The Women PeaceMakers program uses reflective practice to build mutual learning and stronger collaboration between “insiders” and “outsiders” (local peace builders from conflict-affected communities, and peace builders from elsewhere who are trying to support efforts to end the conflict).

Additionally, during each PeaceMaker’s time in San Diego, she will work closely with a Peace Researcher, who will document her peacebuilding journey, and specifically, how she engages the security sector.


Applicants for the Women PeaceMakers fellowship must:
- Have worked for 10+ years as a peacebuilding, human rights defender, or peacemaker, leading peace efforts designing and working directly with the security sector in her country of origin;
- Be a founder or leader of an organization, network, or movement;
- Demonstrates peacebuilding/peacemaking skills and attitudes;
- Be in a position to participate in all activities during the 10-month fellowship and apply what is learned at the conclusion of the residency program;
- Demonstrate local credibility and a strong social network within the country/community of practice;
- Speak sufficient English to relate personal experiences. Written English is not necessary.

There is no cost to participate in the Women PeaceMakers Program. Selected peacemakers will receive a per diem to cover their living costs during the residency. This funding is to be used for meals and incidentals, and any local transportation needs apart from residency activities.

The program provides all funding related to securing a visa, travel, and airfare to and from San Diego at the beginning and end of the residency, and lodging throughout the seven weeks.

Further details:

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