This job is brought to you by bizkaia:talent, a non-profit organization funded by the Department for Economic Development of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. Its main objective is to attract highly skilled professionals to the Basque Country by connecting them with the opportunities within the leading innovation and technology companies and universities there.
Tecnalia Corporation has been set up as a multidisciplinary Tecnology Corporation, of a private and independent nature, with the mission to contribute value and wealth to the society in general, and to the business base in particular, through research, technological development and innovation in an international context. The Corporation offers the people comprising it a framework for competence and professional development by generating opportunities for their professional future. Shared knowledge, making use of the potential and diversity of an eminently creative, innovative, and professional group are the principles underpinning our culture and values.
TECNALIA has launched a call for 18 scholarships to train junior researchers. The aim of these research scholarships is to carry out a PhD in TECNALIA.
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