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Women Techmakers Udacity Scholarship, USA (2017)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Ιούνιος 9, 2017

Women Techmakers in partnership with Udacity is delighted to offer a Women Techmakers Udacity Scholarship. This initiative will offer 100 full scholarships for technical certification courses to women in the Women Techmakers community.

This scholarship is a powerful expression of Udacity and Google’s shared commitment to supporting the learning and careers goals of individuals across the globe, and we look forward to working with Women Techmakers to select candidates ready to take the next step in their careers.

Google’s Women Techmakers program provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology. Udacity is a for-profit educational organization founded by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky offering massive open online courses.


To be considered for the Women Techmakers Udacity Scholarship, successful applicants must:

- Identify as a woman;
- Be at least 18 years of age at the time the application is submitted;
- Have fluency or near-fluency in English;
- Commit to finishing the Nanodegree program within one year;
- Meet Udacity’s technology requirements;
- Women from around the world are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.

Receive a fully-funded scholarship for one year to build your technical skills through one these Google co-created Udacity Nanodegrees: Front-end Web Development, Android Basics, Android Developer, or Full Stack Development.

Further details:

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