The project "Write a project Improve your competences 2.0" has been approved by the Slovenian NA Movit under Erasmus + programme.
It is organized as training course and it will host 8 countries: Slovenia, Denmark, Italy, France, Greece, Croatia, Latvia & Norway hosted by Popotnisko zdruzenje Slovenije / Hostelling International Slovenia.
The project main purpose: Increasing youth workers' competencies in writing and involving the youth in the writing of international projects. To reach this purpose, we set the following objectives:
1. Raise competencies regarding planning and writing of Erasmus+ projects, for participants during duration of the project.
2. Develop abilities to identify and analyze needs of young people for the participants, from the 8 partner countries, during duration of the project
3. Develop skills to motivate and involve young people in the writing youth projects, for the participants, from the 8 partner countries, during duration of the project.
4. Develop self esteem of the youth workers attending the project regarding writing and implementing European youth projects in their own community.
There's no participation fee.
Accomodation and food costs are covered by Erasmus + completelly.
Travel costs will be reimbursed according to Erasmus what makes maximum 275 EUR for all countries except for Croatia and Slovenia where maximum is 180 EUR.