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18-24/07/2017 - Σεμινάριο: Acting UP! (Ολλανδία)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Ιούλιος 4, 2017

"Acting UP!" is an international project supported by the Dutch National Youth Agency through Erasmus+ Youth. The project will bring youth workers, youth leaders, youth theatre workers, theatre practitioners and those supporting performance led initiatives with young people together to explore ‘theatre as an opportunity for youth participation and a vehicle for political change’. The project is hosted by Breakthrough Foundation (NL) and international partners include; Connect Art (PT), Kids in Action (GR), Cooperativa Sociale Muovimente (IT), Egyesek Youth Association (HU) and Aunty Social (UK).

The project has two key activities that will take place in the Netherlands and these are;
- Contact Making Seminar/Study Visit - 18th - 24th July 2017 (inc. travel days)
- Training Course - 20th - 26th November 2017 (inc. travel days)

The main aim of this long term project is to explore theatre as an opportunity for youth participation and a vehicle for political change, while building a platform for networking, collaboration, exchange of practice and identifying and understanding the opportunities for political theatre in working with young people.

The project has been financially supported by the Erasmus+ Youth and the administrative agreement between Breakthrough Foundation and Erasmusplus of the Netherlands. The costs related to accommodation, food and facilitators fee’s will be in the main covered by the hosting organisation as part of the grant agreement. Participants contribution towards this will be €50 per participant for each activity. Travel will be supported according to the Erasmus+ standards and the ‘distance calculator’, this includes national travel and transfers, international travel and transfers and upon satisfactory completion of the required ‘Travel Reimbursement.

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