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27/08-03/09/2017 - Effective Communication Skills (Ρωσία)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Αύγουστος 13, 2017

Effective communication is one of the key skills for the success in nearly any organization, especially in international environment! Effective communication skills will help you to have your voice heard, to build good relationships with colleagues and partners. The course on Effective Communication will allow you to develop your communication skills and be more effective in communicating with other people.

The course will take part from 27th August till 3rd September 2017 in Moscow, Russia. During the course you will learn how to build the build arguments, what are the rules of strong argumentation. You will develop your skills of effective communication in discussions. Effective communication is the key for effective partnership with other organizations. The course will allow you to develop your communication skills and be able easier finding partners for new projects. The training course on Effective Communication will allow you to develop your communication skills and to build the discussions in effective manner. You will learn how to find the arguments in order to win the debates and lead the groups.

Nowadays, in the époque of globalization understanding of cultural sensitivity in communication is very important. A part of the course will be dedicated to the topic of intercultural communication – how to build the dialogue with people from different countries; what do you need to know communicating with people from other cultures; how to work effectively with foreign partners. The course will allow to develop skills of intercultural communication and become more effective communicating with partners from other countries.The training course consist on various blocks which will be dedicated to the topics mentioned above as well as some other topics related to the effective communication. The course is designed on the courses on effective communication taught in business schools and adjusted to be relevant and useful for youth workers.


  • Anyone interested in the course can apply;
  • The course is designed for professionals who want to improve their communication skills within the organization as well as with external partners;
  • We encourage young trainers to join the training which will help you to find the ways on how to develop yourself as a trainer.

The fee for the course is 490 EUR. The fee covers accommodation, programs and meal. In addition participants need to cover their travel to and from Moscow.

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