Queen’s University Belfast invites applications for Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Early Stage Researcher positions, under the innovative 5 year, €3.8M, EU Horizon 2020, SPaRK programme.
The SPaRK Programme aims to develop future leaders whose skills combine disciplinary excellence with a capacity for interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral working that creates genuinely disruptive thinkers. SPaRK recognises that genuinely game-changing inter-sectoral, international and interdisciplinary collaboration does not happen simply by making available opportunities for mobility, placements, or input from other disciplines. It is therefore designed to offer an innovative model of professional and scientific development that is proactively training researchers to be able to maximise the potential of these 3i partnerships.
QUB is the UK leader in Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and has an outstanding reputation for nurturing research with societal impact across the cultural, commercial and scientific economies. As a testimony to its record of excellence in, and commitment to, enhanced doctoral training, the university has recently invested the equivalent of €7m in a new state of the art Graduate School (opened in April 2015). The Graduate School will host the SPaRK cohort, providing world-class facilities as well as an intellectual hub for 3i training, debate and dialogue
ESRs must be, at the time of recruitment by QUB, in the first 4 years of their research careers and must not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree.
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