The International Max Planck Research School for Chemistry and Physics of Quantum Materials is a joint PhD programme between the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany, Technische Universität Dresden and the University of St Andrews, Scotland. By working together, we create a highly attractive overall package of PhD level research on solid-state chemistry and condensed matter physics. As it befits an interdisciplinary PhD programme like ours, we do not only cross boundaries between physics and chemistry in a large number of research topics, but rather choose a dedicated collaborative approach between research groups from different disciplines. Our programme builds on world‐class research activities in quantum materials at the three institutions, and will provide successful candidates with a stimulating environment and the opportunity to interact and work with leading scientists from the three sites. Our research is generously funded and successful candidates will have the opportunity to work with world‐leading people, infrastructure and facilities.
We seek to recruit multiple PhD students in 2018 to a range of inter‐institutional research projects in the broadly defined field of quantum materials. Research work will be combined with graduate courses and general skills training. Both experimental and theoretical projects are offered and a complete list of all projects is available on our website.
We welcome applications from excellent candidates from any country. We aim to maintain a good gender balance within the School and particularly encourage female candidates to apply.
While most positions will be filled with students holding a Masters degree (or equivalent), applications from candidates with excellent Bachelor degrees will also be considered. Financial support for successful candidates will cover tuition and living expenses.
Further details:
PhD Positions, International Max Planck Research School for Chemistry & Physics of Quantum Materials, Germany (2018)