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PhD Positions in Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (2018)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Νοέμβριος 21, 2017

The Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy (API) at the University of Amsterdam invites applicants for multiple PhD positions in astronomy and astrophysics. The positions are open to candidates from any country. The institute provides a stimulating, international environment in a city where English is a common language. Of our current PhD candidates, over 70% are foreign, and over 40% are female.

PhD candidates execute a vigorous research program, under the supervision of one or more faculty members. Positions will be available across a range of fields of research where the institute is active, including exoplanets, compact objects, stellar astrophysics and transients.

On our website you will find information about our research and the available projects.

The successful candidates must have a MSc degree (or equivalent) in astronomy, astrophysics, physics or a related topic by the PhD starting date, which will typically be in Autumn 2018, but this is negotiable.

Conditions of employment
University of Amsterdam PhD candidates are fully-funded for four years (subject to an 18 month probation period) and earn competitive salaries. The salary will be in accordance with the University regulations for academic personnel, and will range from €2,222 to €2,840 (salary scale P) gross per month, based on 38 hours per week. This is excl. 8% holiday allowance and 8,3% end of year bonus.

The Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities is applicable.

Additional comprehensive benefits include paid vacation, sick leave, disability insurance, maternity and parental leave and pension contribution. The mandatory Dutch health insurance is not included but is very affordable (~100 euro per month). Relocation costs (within reason) will also be reimbursed.

Further details:
PhD Positions in Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (2018)

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