Work Contract: The newly established Interfaculty Research Cooperation (IRC) “One Health” of the University of Bern investigates cascading and microbiome-dependent effects on multitrophic health. For the next project phase, we are looking to fill 7 PhD positions.
Background: One Health is an important emerging framework which emphasizes the connection between the wellbeing of the environment, animals and humans. Within this IRC involving the faculties of Science, Veterinary Medicine and Medicine, we will investigate how environmental perturbations affect the microbiomes and microbiome-mediated health at the interfaces between soils, plants, animals and humans.
Job Specification: Successful candidates will work within this exciting and highly interdisciplinary project by benefiting from and connecting the expertise of different research groups that specialize in microbiomes, environmental factors, health and bioinformatics.
Further details:
7 PhD Positions, University of Bern, Switzerland (2018)