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5 tips for a new apprentice or trainee

You’ve got the acceptance letter (or email). You know when you’re starting and where. You’ve checked out your new workplace online to get your bearings. Now what? Time to find out how to make your apprenticeship or traineeship a roaring success!

Make a good first impression

It’s the most basic advice in the book, but that doesn’t make it any less important. First impressions are instant and take time to change, so make sure you’re prepared to make a good one.

Think about what you’re wearing – is it appropriate for your workplace? Individualism is great in your personal life, but it might not be what your colleagues and management are looking for. Think about your morning routine – does it give you enough time to do everything you need to do? Nothing shows a lack of care more than showing up late for work. Keep things like this in mind and you’ll help get your apprenticeship or traineeship off on the right foot.

Learn from others

You might be assigned a mentor or manager to guide you through your apprenticeship or traineeship. You might be part of a team that shares this role between them. Whatever the case, your colleagues are a gold mine when it comes to learning about not only how to approach work, but how to act in the workplace. Follow their example and you can’t go wrong.

Organise your time effectively

It might be that your apprenticeship or traineeship involves study as well as work. If that’s the case, then you’ll need to strike a healthy balance between the two. Don’t focus too much on one at the expense of the other – both are equally important and have a role to play in your future. It can be a good idea to have a diary or agenda to hand (either on your mobile or in physical form) that you can use to plan and track your time. Your workplace should be able to help you with all of this, so make sure you keep them in the loop.

Show your enthusiasm

Whatever company you’ve joined, it’s important to show a positive attitude and a willingness to get involved in whatever comes your way – whether it’s in your job description or not. It won’t only impress your colleagues; it could also lead to you being involved in more exciting projects in the future. So keep a smile on your face, even if you’re feeling nervous, and don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and ideas when it’s appropriate. Being part of a team is all about collaboration and your opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s!

Find a pace that works for you

Everyone works at a different speed and as long as work’s completed to a high standard and deadlines are met, that’s okay – we all have our unique way of approaching tasks. It’s important to discover what works for you and not to feel pressured into rushing or taking on too much. Your mentor, manager or colleagues should be able to help you establish your own working style and ensure it fits with the needs of the company. And if you ever do feel that it’s getting too much, make sure you talk to them about it – it’s what they’re there for, after all!

Related link:
5 tips for a new apprentice or trainee

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