Eastern Project Lab
Training Course | 5-12 February 2018 | Kütahya, Turkey
Youth Exchanges under Erasmus +/Youth in action are more than just a gathering of young people for a given period. They allow international experience and indeph intercultural exchange. This training course offers a learning experience for participants.
It's objectives are:
•To provide information about the Erasmus + Programme in the field of youth and especially Key Action 1- Youth exchanges.
•To create opportunities for building partnerships between Eastern and Western countries within the Erasmus + Programme.
•To develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to organise a successful youth exchange with a special focus on youth participation.
•To bring together Eastern and Western People working with youngsters in order to create new project ideas of youth exchanges within Key Action 1 of the Erasmus + Programme.
•To lead discussion and provide training on project management; time management; risk and conflict management
•To advise on application preparation
•To improve project management and raise project quality.
•To increase understanding of quality demands of the youth exchanges with special attention to active youth participation:
o Equal partnerships and preparation (co-creation of the idea and coownership of the project);
o Quality of project design as a core (youth exchange project management);
o Quality of content and methodology: non-formal learning, intercultural learning, European dimension, active participation;
o Quality of project reach (visibility of the programme and the project, dissemination and exploitation of results, follow-up).
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες - Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής: salto-youth.net