Graphic facilitation In Action
Training Course | 1-9 April 2018 | Tunisia
This project idea has grown naturally out of the progress made within the Tools For Learning Strategy, which has shown clear developments within recent publications and the last two editions of the Tool Fair. Graphic facilitation is growing in importance in the facilitation of learning processes and this is a real chance to make a solid contribution to spreading both the ideas and the practice within the youth field. After consultation about the project, it has been decided to offer a training course to twenty
Our graphic facilitators create engaging and memorable experiences for audiences by producing content-rich visual stories. In real-time, we synthesize and illustrate key concepts from discussions and presentations and create a visual framework that organizes a group’s ideas and highlights themes to structure their dialogue.
Visuals serve as key facilitative aids for collective seeing and navigation. Live scribing–giving form to the social body–is a method especially suited to address today’s great challenges. As visual practitioners, we face a particular need and opportunity to expand the awareness, mindsets, and choices that feed our outward expression.With our tailored approach, we are adept at working in small groups and breakouts, as well as at large group events and conferences. We can work alongside a facilitator or independently, and we act as solo scribes or as part of a larger team.
The fee for the course is 400 euro.
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