We are happy to announce the start of the application period for 15 PhD positions offered by the eight host organisations participating in the Innovative Training Network (ITN) “Global mobility of employees” (GLOMO). The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action “Global mobility of employees” (GLOMO) is an international research project, co-ordinated by Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen from the University of Bamberg, and is financed under the funding line “excellent science” of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme of the European Commission.
15 PhD positions will be filled with a focus on the topics of expatriation and migration. All individual projects will have a duration of 36 months (lasting from September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2021). The early stage researchers will be enrolled as PhD students and hired under a full-time, temporary contract at one of the host institutions. The partners engaged in the project will work closely together, with each of the partners supervising at least one research project. The PhD students will be trained through a structured and comprehensive programme and will not only learn the theory but will gain first-hand experience of global mobility themselves, as all students will take secondments to one of the other partner universities and institutions throughout Europe (e.g. companies, ministries).
Further details:
15 PhD Positions, ITN GLOMO, Europe (2018)