Training Course | 14-21 March 2018 | Budapest, Hungary
FACE IT! is a Training Course for Youth workers on Facilitation in Youth groups
FACE IT T.C. proposes methods and exercises to boost some of the Skills (Learning to learn awareness, Effective Communication, Problem Solving, Creativity, Conflict management, Designing a workshop) that a Facilitator should have.
FACE IT T.C. was funder by Hungary National Agency for Eramus+.
According to the Programme Erasmus+, travel costs are covered 100% up to the maximum amount defined on the base of the kilometric distance from sending organisation town to the project place. This project provide accommodation, food, local transport (if necessary) and all material for the sessions. The participants are responsable about the insurance.
This T.C. does not have a participation Fee.
Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες - Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής: salto-youth.net