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Andreas Galanakis Internship at the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union in Brussels

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Φεβρουάριος 28, 2018

The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) is seeking one Policy Intern for a period of 2 months. A stipend is offered. (June – July 2018)

Each year the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) selects a young Greek student who is interested in transatlantic and European Union issues to undertake a paid internship for two months (June and July) at the AmCham EU office in Brussels. This internship programme is in memory of Andreas Galanakis a Greek national raised in the Unites States working in Brussels who was the Policy Director at AmCham EU from 2010-2016 before his passing in September 2017. The internship programme honours Andreas’ commitment and dedication to transatlantic and European Union issues and his overall support and mentoring of young professionals over the course of his career.

AmCham EU speaks for American companies committed to Europe on trade, investment and competitiveness issues. It aims to ensure a growth-orientated business and investment climate in Europe. AmCham EU facilitates the resolution of transatlantic issues that impact business and plays a role in creating better understanding of EU and US positions on business matters. Aggregate US investment in Europe totalled €2 trillion in 2013 and directly supports more than 4.3 million jobs in Europe.

Job description: Responsible for supporting the AmCham EU horizontal and sectoral committees and providing assistance to the Policy Advisers. The successful candidate will co-ordinate and attend committee meetings and will be encouraged to attend many diverse business meetings and events. They will also assist the team in the organisation of larger events and monthly meetings. He or she will perform research to monitor issues of interest to AmCham EU members across a broad spectrum of European and Transatlantic policy areas. They will also be required to write briefing notes on issues of interest to AmCham EU members and periodical articles for the AmCham EU Website.

Qualifications/ Skills/Experience:
· Strong interest in European affairs and/or international relations.
· Strong organisational, event planning and administrative skills.
· Computer literacy (particularly Microsoft Office and Internet Browsers).
· An eye for detail and be able to keep to deadlines.
· Work well in a small and dynamic international team.
· Flexible with working hours in order to support events and briefings.

Languages: Fluent English (both written and spoken); other languages are an asset, especially French.

Pay and Holidays: A stipend of €600 per month to help cover out-of-pocket expenses. The flight Greece-Belgium (maximum €500) and accommodation (maximum €1.000) will also be covered separately.

How to apply: Any student interested in applying for the position should send a CV and cover letter to

Deadline for applications: 28 February 2018

Further details in the attached file.

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