The joint graduate program of the Excellence Cluster Cells in Motion (CiM) and the International Max Planck Research School - Molecular Biomedicine (IMPRS-MBM) offers positions to pursue PhD projects in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics or computer science. We are looking for young scientists with a vivid interest in interdisciplinary projects to image cell dynamics from the subcellular to the patient level. PhD projects range from the analysis of basic cellular processes to clinical translation, from the application of novel biophysical approaches and the generation of mathematical models to the development of new imaging-related techniques and compounds.
Research areas:
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
- Vascular Biology
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Neurobiology
- In vivo Imaging
- High Resolution Optical Imaging
- Biophysics
- Chemical Biology
- Label Chemistry
- Mathematical Modelling
- and more.
Further details:
16 PhD Positions, University of Münster, Germany (2018)