Art and the power of artistic expression allow people to connect in ways that transcend traditional forms of communication fail to. By using various form of art, inter-cultural dialogue can be achieved in an alternative but very effective way. In sum, a “thinking out of the box” innovative approach combining the three key elements (non-formal education, ICT and cultural tools) that – according to what affirmed above - can lead to employability seems to be one of the solutions to the challenges and needs listed.
Art+ gives a special attention on the intercultural communication and dialogue to reach migrants that often closed in their own – with innovative methods in order to stimulate their sense of belonging to the new hosting society.
Art and Integration Project Objectives;
- to stimulate creativity and innovation on a EU context for NGOs and youth workers by matching and exchanging ideas, knowledge, good practices regarding young migrants’ active inclusion;
- to give the opportunity to youth workers to discover the current situation of young migrants in the partner’ countries regarding inclusion, share common challenges and needs;
- to develop youth workers’ skills and competences on how to use creative tools for integration of migrants;
- to motivate and inspire youth-workers on their challenging work on social inclusion;
- to promote and emphasise the importance of using new tools combining non formal education, ICT and culture/art/creative more over critical thinking towards integration migrants;
- to create a safe learning environment with up- to date information about social inclusion and intercultural dialogue trends through non formal education methods;
- to inform participants on the new Erasmus+ program for 2014 - 2020 period, and give special focus on active inclusion of youth and migrants project themes. As result, more qualified youth workers will have stronger impact on their communities.
As result, more qualified youth workers will have stronger impact on their communities.
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
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