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Develop Innovative Mobile Apps for English Language Learning, Contest

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Μάρτιος 30, 2015

IATEFL-Hungary, in cooperation with the Regional English Language Office (RELO) for Central and Southeastern Europe, announces a Call for Participation in an exciting Learnathon contest. The goal of the project is to promote the development of innovative mobile application promoting English language learning through a focus on global issues.

The Learnathon Event will take place between May 4 and 8, 2015 in Budapest, and will host teams who are to participate in workshops on computer-assisted language learning, app development, social responsibility, and entrepreneurship, and will collaboratively develop the plan for an app. By the end of the week, each team will be expected to have completed their plan for an English language learning app that raises awareness of a global, social or environmental issue, which they will present to a panel of judges comprised of professionals from a range of relevant disciplines.

The team designated first-place winner according to the evaluation criteria will be offered the opportunity to cooperate with an app developer on the actual production of the application.The winning team will also be offered the opportunity to travel to the 2016 Convention of the TESOL International Association in Baltimore, Maryland in the United States. Other teams may be eligible for runner-up prizes. All travel and program costs for teams selected for participation will be covered by the event organizers.

Further details:


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