Project „Colors of diversity“ is our reaction to current situation in Europe. We are daily observers of something we can not touch, but we can feel it. It is fear of change, fear of something unknown or something we think it is so different that we can not accept in our lives. On the other hand we already implemented various Erasmus+ projects and there, we experienced different observations including willingness to research about other cultures, to listen, to compare, to find out and to understand.
By this project we want to create space where participants can share experience from youth work and use this environment to learn more about differences and similarities, intercultural competences and discuss various problems nowadays appearing more and more in Europe, such as Euro-scepticism, nationalism, hate speech, stereotypes and prejudice, media abusing, racism and the fact that youngster all around the Europe feel frustrated, do not trust to government and choose radical acts instead of searching for systematic solutions.
Training will involve 27 participants from 8 countries, youth workers, activists. Methodology of the project will be based on non- formal techniques and will bring innovations and increase quality of youth work by introducing innovative approaches and methodologies to promote Intercultural Learning for youngsters.
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
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