For nine days in July, the workshop offers to approximately 40 participants from all over Europe and beyond a unique opportunity to share their perceptions, thoughts and ideas on Europe and on key issues of the day, such as democracy. This year we will discuss cultural and natural heritage as the basis of European consciousness.
In this perspective, the seminar of the College of Cluny is a result of more than 17 years of experience by having already welcomed over 800 European and non-European citizens from around 50 different countries.
The European territory has an abundance of richness that has an impact on our identity : languages, democracy, human rights, architecture, gastronomy, songs, landscapes, biodiversity,…are all part of the European material, immaterial and natural heritage. In a time when the European Union must find a new lease of life in its construction process, the preservation and promotion of Europe’s cultural and natural heritage is of utmost importance. For 9 days, the participants will share their observations and visions on the subject and will then elaborate their democratic, cultural and political propositions on the topic.
The “Cluny method” is the development of collective intelligence that makes use of interdisciplinarity and plurilingualism. The facilitators will invite the participants to develop their autonomy and their self-learning abilities, to appropriate innovative methods of co-construction based on mutual learning.
Conference, training sessions and working groups will enable you to develop negotiation skills and to gain an overview of the main issues at stake.
The main aims of the summer workshop of the European College of Cluny are to:
Share and exchange
Develop critical thinking skills
Analyse and evaluate
Compare and differentiate
Propose innovative solutions
Working language : French and English.
Apart from language skills, no other academic or professional qualifications are required. We explicitly encourage participants from various fields to apply.
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