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Postdoctoral Research Assistants in Electrochemical Energy Storage Science and Technology | Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Μάιος 11, 2018

The eight postdoctoral positions advertised will work at the University of Oxford, in collaboration and under the supervision of the SOLBAT research team, composed of Professor David Armstrong, Professor Martin Castell, Professor Chris Grovenor, Professor Peter Nellist, Professor Patrick Grant. Professor Mauro Pasta and Professor Peter Bruce.

We are looking for well organised and self-motivated scientists, with the ability to manage the day-to-day running of a research project, to identify research objectives and to carry out appropriate research activities within a given timescale, demonstrating the ability to work co-operatively with colleagues in an extremely fast-paced and intellectually stimulating environment.

The solid-state metal-anode battery (SOLBAT) consortium, within the framework of the Faraday Institution and led by Oxford and involving Cambridge, Glasgow, Liverpool, St. Andrews, Strathclyde, and UCL, is looking to hire eight postdoctoral researchers.

The solid-state metal-anode battery (SOLBAT) consortium, within the framework of the Faraday Institution and led by Oxford and involving Cambridge, Glasgow, Liverpool, St. Andrews, Strathclyde, and UCL, is looking to hire eight postdoctoral researchers with expertise, proven by a strong publication record, in one or preferably more of the following areas:

  •     solid state material chemistry (including X-ray scattering techniques);
  •     solid state electrochemistry (including EIS and voltammetric methods);
  •     continuum modelling and theory (including mechanical, heat-transfer, and/or electrochemical-transport analysis, as well as numerical multiphysics simulations);
  •     surface science (in particular with experience in UHV electron spectroscopy equipment (e.g. XPS) and preferably with UHV STM experience);
  •     advanced imaging (including FIB/SEM and TEM, spectroscopy and sample preparation);
  •     advanced manufacturing methods (including evaporation/sputtering, pulsed laser deposition, spray deposition, 3D printing and powder processing);
  •     mechanical properties (including micro-scale mechanical testing and in situ SEM mechanical testing).

A good first degree and a completed doctorate in a relevant area, together with significant postdoctoral research experience, are essential.

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