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Scholarship for PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting | Ιταλία

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Μάιος 31, 2018

LIUC – Università Cattaneo is an independent, state-recognised institution situated in the Greater Milan area (Castellanza).

The aim of the scholarship is to prepare students primarily research-oriented careers in academia, but also for multinational companies, public and private organizations, financial institutions so that they can interpret business phenomena in an integrated way.

The receiving of the title “Doctor of Research in Management, Finance and Accounting” certifies the clearly established ability to:

a) study business phenomena and market dynamics with cutting-edge and versatile methodological tools in order to better understand their complexity;
b) make use of robust analytical tools, either alternatively or jointly with the economic-financial, managerial, and engineering management areas in order to obtain research results that are academically rigorous and professionally relevant;
c) identify innovative research topics and develop original results that are of interest to the scientific and professional communities.


Applications are received from candidates who hold a Laurea Magistrale or equivalent foreign academic degree (Master of Arts, Master of Sciences), or who expects to achieve such a qualification by 31 October 2018 in the following areas: Economics, Management, Finance, Industrial Engineering, Public Administrations, Public Communication, Economics for the Environment and Culture. Applications from candidates holding degrees in areas other than those listed above, but whose education and experience demonstrate knowledge of the subjects of the Program will be considered and assessed by the Admission Panel.

Applicants in possession of foreign titles which have not yet been declared equivalent to the corresponding Italian degree should submit, as part of their applications, a written request for a declaration of this equivalence solely for the purpose of admission to the PhD Program and should accompany the application with all the documents necessary for the Commission to evaluate the eligibility.

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