Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για θέσεις εργασίας σε Φορείς του εξωτερικού. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.
{"title":"14 θέσεις εργασίας σε Φορείς του εξωτερικού (24/04/2018)","description":"Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για θέσεις εργασίας σε Φορείς του εξωτερικού. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.","version":"0.56.25"}
Πτυχίο Πανεπιστημίου (2 θέσεις)
1 |
Programme Funding Manager |
Tree Aid |
Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 18 May 2018 |
2 |
Programme Strategy Assistant |
Plan International |
Woking, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 06 May 2018 |
Πτυχίο ΤΕΙ (2 θέσεις)
1 |
Programme Funding Manager |
Tree Aid |
Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 18 May 2018 |
2 |
Programme Strategy Assistant |
Plan International |
Woking, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 06 May 2018 |
Δίπλωμα ΙΕΚ (2 θέσεις)
1 |
Programme Funding Manager |
Tree Aid |
Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 18 May 2018 |
2 |
Programme Strategy Assistant |
Plan International |
Woking, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 06 May 2018 |
Απόφοιτος Λυκείου (2 θέσεις)
1 |
Programme Funding Manager |
Tree Aid |
Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 18 May 2018 |
2 |
Programme Strategy Assistant |
Plan International |
Woking, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 06 May 2018 |
Επιστήμες Πληροφορικής (1 θέση)
1 |
Junior Data Manager |
European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation |
Leiden |
DeadLine : 2018-05-11 |
Οικονομικές Επιστήμες (8 θέσεις)
1 |
Administrative Assistant (Finance & HR) |
European Trade Union Confederation |
Belgium |
2 |
Communications Officer |
TI – Transparency International Liaison Office to the EU |
Belgium |
3 |
Administrative and Communication Assistant |
FEAD – European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services |
Brussel |
4 |
Office Manager/ Executive Assistant |
Brussels |
DeadLine : 21 May 2018 |
5 |
Policy Adviser |
New Zealand Embassy and Mission to the European Union |
Brussels, Belgium |
6 |
Communications and Membership Coordinator |
EMSP - European Multiple Sclerosis Platform |
Brussels, Belgium |
7 |
HR Assistant |
Syrian Expatriate Medical Association |
Gaziantep, Turkey |
DeadLine : 26 Apr 2018 |
8 |
Senior Programme Manager |
Options Consultancy Services |
London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 02 May 2018 |
Επιστήμες Επικοινωνίας (3 θέσεις)
1 |
Communications Officer |
TI – Transparency International Liaison Office to the EU |
Belgium |
2 |
Administrative and Communication Assistant |
FEAD – European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services |
Brussel |
3 |
Communications and Membership Coordinator |
EMSP - European Multiple Sclerosis Platform |
Brussels, Belgium |
Νομική Επιστήμη (3 θέσεις)
1 |
HR Assistant |
Syrian Expatriate Medical Association |
Gaziantep, Turkey |
DeadLine : 26 Apr 2018 |
2 |
London Legal fellow |
Legal Action Worldwide |
LONDON, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 01 May 2018 |
3 |
Researcher |
Netherlands Red Cross |
The Hague, Netherlands |
DeadLine : 15 May 2018 |
Επιστήμες Υγείας (1 θέση)
1 |
Junior Data Manager |
European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation |
Leiden |
DeadLine : 2018-05-11 |
Επιστήμες Ζωής (1 θέση)
1 |
Junior Data Manager |
European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation |
Leiden |
DeadLine : 2018-05-11 |
Γεωπονικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)
1 |
Policy Adviser |
New Zealand Embassy and Mission to the European Union |
Brussels, Belgium |
Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες (3 θέσεις)
1 |
HR Assistant |
Syrian Expatriate Medical Association |
Gaziantep, Turkey |
DeadLine : 26 Apr 2018 |
2 |
Psychologue - Lyon - CDD 1 an |
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion |
Lyon, France |
DeadLine : 13 May 2018 |
3 |
Researcher |
Netherlands Red Cross |
The Hague, Netherlands |
DeadLine : 15 May 2018 |
Πολιτικές Επιστήμες (2 θέσεις)
1 |
Communications Officer |
TI – Transparency International Liaison Office to the EU |
Belgium |
2 |
London Legal fellow |
Legal Action Worldwide |
LONDON, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 01 May 2018 |
Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες (2 θέσεις)
1 |
Administrative Assistant (Finance & HR) |
European Trade Union Confederation |
Belgium |
2 |
HR Assistant |
Syrian Expatriate Medical Association |
Gaziantep, Turkey |
DeadLine : 26 Apr 2018 |
Επιστήμες Διοίκησης (8 θέσεις)
1 |
Administrative Assistant (Finance & HR) |
European Trade Union Confederation |
Belgium |
2 |
Communications Officer |
TI – Transparency International Liaison Office to the EU |
Belgium |
3 |
Administrative and Communication Assistant |
FEAD – European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services |
Brussel |
4 |
Office Manager/ Executive Assistant |
Brussels |
DeadLine : 21 May 2018 |
5 |
Policy Adviser |
New Zealand Embassy and Mission to the European Union |
Brussels, Belgium |
6 |
Communications and Membership Coordinator |
EMSP - European Multiple Sclerosis Platform |
Brussels, Belgium |
7 |
HR Assistant |
Syrian Expatriate Medical Association |
Gaziantep, Turkey |
DeadLine : 26 Apr 2018 |
8 |
Senior Programme Manager |
Options Consultancy Services |
London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DeadLine : 02 May 2018 |