JOLT is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) European Training Network aimed at harnessing digital and data technologies for journalism
JOLT is recruiting 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to advance new theoretical insights, technical advancements, and best-practice guidelines for digital and data journalism.
Ten of these positions are in the area of humanities and social science. The researchers will be hosted by:
In addition to completing a PhD, the researchers will receive specialised training to advance future careers in academia and industry, produce research publications under the guidance of their supervisors, undertake work experience in different environments, and establish an excellent network of contacts across the academic, industry, and non-profit sectors. The ESRs will be recruited for 36 months and be enrolled onto a PhD programme at one of the academic partner institutions.
Closing Date for Applications: 27 May 2018