This international conference will be organized to provide a ground for a solid cooperation among youth, education and labour sectors with the aim of improving the employability of young people.
The Commissioner Marianne Thyssen has stated in her speech ‘Avoiding a lost generation’: Despite being the generation with the highest education attainment ever, today's young have paid the highest price for the crisis…However, high levels of unemployment co-exist with 2 million unfilled vacancies, an indicator that some people lack the right skills or mobility.
In Europe, the megatrends known by all such as globalisation, digitalisation and demographic change create an important impact on labour markets and businesses. A high percentage (40%) of European face a significant difficulty in finding employees those have the skills needed to grow and innovate. And also, 70 million Europeans lack adequate reading and writing skills and even more have poor numeracy and digital skills.
It is very clear that we all face the similar problems (shortage of skills, skills gap, skills mismatch etc.) in our countries with almost similar reasons. It seems that Europe is taking some steps to deal with the issue such as;
- Rethinking Education
- Key competences of lifelong learning
- The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan
- The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition
As the potential participants of this conference a platform we will create a platform;
- to define and well understand the problem
- to talk about on-going initiatives by EU
- to exchange information about national and local actions
- to share best experiences
- to create partnerships for future
With the participation of youth, education and labour sectors we might be able to see a cross-sectorial approach to the issue.
Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country.
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
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