Viadrinicum is an annual summer school devoted to the countries of the Eastern Partnership region with a special focus on Ukraine. This year it will take place in the form of trans-sectoral PeaceLab, aiming to tackle the complex issues of peace and (military) conflicts from multiple theoretical and methodological perspectives. With a strong emphasis on the participatory element of educational process the school will allow its participants to deepen their knowledge with the help of academic seminars and enhance their practical and methodological skills in the framework of several project-oriented workshops.
The school seminars will be devoted to theoretical and empirical analysis of the role of memory and identity discourse in the conflict areas of the Eastern Partnership region.
You can apply for the scholarship if you meet the following requirements:
You are a student, a PhD candidate, an NGO activist or an artist up to 35 y/o, from any country of the world;
You have a genuine interest in transsectoral and interdisciplinary approaches to the problems of conflict and peace;
Your knowledge of English is sufficient to take an active part in the discussions.
Subject to final approval of the German Foreign Office and Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftstiftung (DPWS), European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) will be able to fund up to 30 travel scholarships (EUR 100-700, depending on country of residence).
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