"Love is in the air " is an exchange that will take place in Sarata Monteoru and Buzau between 27 august and 5 september 2018.Partnership consists in 41 participants from 8 countries : Bulgaria,Czech Republic,Greece,Poland,Spain,Italy,Macedonia and Romania out of them 16 being unemployed
The context is linked with the problems generated by air quality due to irresponsible home and industrial behaviours and by passive life style
Aim of the project is to increase the responsibility of youngsters for environment sustainability and a better life quality by empowering fight against air pollution and promote an active and healthy lifestyle
The objectives are :
-to provide to 33 youngsters and 8 group leaders from 8 countries a common space to reflect on cultural diversity,european cooperation and healthy life style
-increase awareness uopn air role in life and in sustainability of environment by creating new opportunities in using eolian energy
-increase interst of youngsters for understand the role of a clean atmosphere and identify ways and methods of intervention to reduce air pollution
-promote sports and physical exercises and active life style as alternatives for limit effects of pollution on body and environment
The methodology will be based on nonformal education and will consist in games ,presentations,debates,role plays and simulations ,workshops,visits,intercultural evenings
Impact of the project will be felt at the level of participants by develop of new competences,by a better understanding of cultural diversity and stimulation of active participation and thematic the youngsters will assimilate new knowledge about air and a better sustainability of environment.At partners and local communities level the impact will be felt by presence of youngsters better trained and willing to solve the problems of communities and by getting new methodologic tools and new practices to provide a better sustainability of environment
Sustainabilty of project and partnership will be provided by communication between partners ,by a dissemination and exploitation planned by writing new applications together in frame of Erasmus +.
Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες - Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής: youthnet.gr